Expediting is a real-time task, which often demands pro-active responses to situations as they pass.
In many cases it is not possible to be on-site with every supplier around the world, so there is a need for trusted local expediters with detailed knowledge of procurement, production and delivery processes. Projects and the supply of critical goods as well as equipment can involve complex international supply chains, with items procured from suppliers in multiple countries.
Late delivery from any one supplier can have an impact on the whole project, preventing from being completed on time and on budget. Expediting means taking any action necessary to ensure that deliveries are made on time according to specification. As your expediting partner, we are your eyes and ears, working with every link in your supply chains to keep you on schedule.
Our expediters analyze the critical path of fabrication including:
- Order status
- Inventory of equipment in stock
- Design verification
- Progress in manufacturing
- Testing
- Check of Documentation status
- Packing
- Shipment and delivery